Home of the Valley's....

Hostavalley is owned by Jeroen Linneman, Holland (Europe).
He has 70 registrated (American Hosta Society) hostas and around 450 named own Valley introductions.
Jeroen Linneman is winner of the Eunice Fisher Award 2019 from the AHS (American Hosta Society).
He is the first person who won this Award outside of America.
Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award and
Eunice Fisher Distinguished Merit Hosta Award
These awards were established in 1972 and reestablished in 2006 in honor of a pioneer hosta hybridizer and founding member of The American Hosta Society, Eunice Fisher of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award
This award is the highest award offered by The American Hosta Society in recognition of outstanding achievement in hosta hybridizing. It is awarded to a member of the Society who has truly advanced the genus Hosta through hybridization. The recipient receives a large wooden plaque. The sponsor of the award is The American Hosta Society. This honor may be awarded posthumously.
Eunice Fisher Distinguished Merit Hosta Award
This award is for the hosta that the recipient of the Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award selects from among his/her own hosta hybrids as the recipient’s favorite.
For 2019 this is Hosta 'Valley's Pavlova'.

Former winners are: Bev and Dave Stegeman, Don Dean, Douglas Beilstein, Tony Avent, Olga Petryszyn, Mary Chastain, Bob Solberg and more.
(info is from the AHS website: )

Jeroen Linneman with one of the biggest hostas around.
This is Hosta 'Valley's Heartbreak Hotel'
New Hostavalley introductions for 2021
Hosta 'Valley's Purple Dust'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

This is a new valley introduction in 2021. This Valley seedling is from the cross (Hosta 'Valley's Ruffle Shuffle' x yellow pycnophylla seedling).
So that means nice purple colered veins on golden yellow leaves. The backs of the leaves have white dust color. The wavy margins also has a
purple dust color.
Hosta 'Valley's Fly Away'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

Hosta 'Valley's Fly Away' is also a new introduction from the pycnophylla breedingline of Jeroen Linneman. He uses allot of pycnophylla related hostas in his breedingwork. And so the leaves have nice white backs and also a wavy margin.
This is from the cross (Hosta 'Valley's Curly Wurly' x yellow pycnophylla seedling)
Hosta 'Valley's Fly me to the Moon'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

Hosta 'Valley's Limoncello'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

Hosta 'Valley's Cool Dude'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

Hosta 'Valley's Calm after the Storm'
Jeroen Linneman NR 2021

Hosta 'Valley's Lemon Limbo'
Jeroen Linneman ONIR 2015

A nice streaked Hosta seedling
Jeroen Linneman 2020

The owner of Hostavalley Jeroen Linneman
Zwolle, Netherlands, Europe.